Sunday, October 23, 2011

Game Icon Rendering

Spent most of today, playing around with this. Making textures and shaders in Maya, and rendering them out to use as UI assets. They're the glyphs that you grab to gain spells in the game we are making.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Texture Progress and Scary Wabbits

Happy Halloween, heheh! Here is an iteration of a project I'm working on called Were-Wabbit. It's supposed to be a mask of me turning into a rabbit. Possibly my subconscious getting back at myself for writing the song "Fuck the Easter Bunny", although I hardly regret that. Anyway, its going to be a lot more paint, and a lot less photomanip when I'm done, although I can seeing the merit of keeping some of the photomanip images for my own amusement. This is the first of those.

I'm also still working on texturing the Airship model. I'm pretty happy with some of the tiling textures that I've come up with. I have been trying to make a good steampunk bronze texture made for a long time (with pretty bad results), and finally I've made one I can be proud of.
Test render of the bronze.
Also, here is a closeup render of the blimp walls texture...

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Airship Color Comps

Here are some color comps for the airship to get an idea of the general color that I want to go for. Decisions, decisions....

Friday, October 14, 2011

Airship Modeling Done

The final touches have been added in the modeling phase, and I'm moving on to UVing. Luckily, this thing is pretty symmetrical.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Airship Progress

Modeling is 90% done. I'm really not looking forward to fitting this onto one UV map, lol.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

New Project: Steampunk Airship

Here's the progress on my new project after about 10 hours of modeling over a few days. I'm only at half of my poly limit, so I have lots of room for detailing. Done for today, though...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Centaur painting done

Well, I'm putting the painting and sculpting to rest and moving on to eyes, hair, and armor. I gotta move on finishing this one, because I just took on a new project for an internship and need to get started on it.