Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dominance War Entry

After a lot of learning new programs and experimentation, I have completed my entry for the Dominance War V Contest. Check out the entrys here: - voting begins Monday, May 23rd. Go ahead and vote for who you think made the best God. Special consideration for me would be most appreciated, hehe

Friday, May 13, 2011

Apothecary Desk WIP

Here's a render of one of the assets I'm working on for Game Prototyping class. I'm on the texturing phase at this point. Still not happy with the placement of some of the wear. It needs a little more dirt too.

It's about time!

Yep, it's about time I made a blog to catalog my progress as a digital artist. I'll be posting stuff as often as possible. Lots of works in progress, to show my workflow. School is always keeping me busy with personal projects, so expect a bunch of posts for the next year at least - I'll be graduating in 2012.

Maybe I'll even make a few tutorials!