Friday, June 24, 2011

Secret Art Time!

Yes friends, I'm doing secret art again. I've taken on a couple of internships to get more practical team experience and increase my output. Unfortunately I'll have to wait for specific permission before I show anything off. I'm really exited about the prospects of both of these projects. I can express humor, and I'll be able to practice both environment and character art. Yep, I'm multi-classed so I need more experience than your average player to level up. *pushes up glasses*

I've also completed the beta version of my new website, if you wanna check it out and give me some feedback.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Morgue Ovens

More creepy stuff for the horror video game Ravenward. These will be spewing fire in the game.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Apothecary Desk WIP

I did some texture tweaking, and added bottles inside. It should serve its purpose for Ravenward. More models for the insane asylum to come!